Junior Regional

Junior Regional
Orienteering Squads


Further information is available on British Orienteering’s Safeguarding pages.

Each JROS camp has a welfare officer responsible for that camp. In addition, JROS has a Welfare Officer as a point of contact for any questions regarding JROS activities.

Reporting a concern or incident

Should you wish to report a concern or incident please contact either:
British Orienteering’s Lead Safeguarding Officer Peter Brooke 07540 150963 or email
JROS Welfare Officer Carol Lovegrove 07944 402478 or email

This includes any concerns about safeguarding either within orienteering or outside of orienteering and any concern over adult behaviour related to the welfare of children or adults at risk, including those away from the sport that involves members or participants.
All reports will be logged in confidence with the Lead Safeguarding Officer who will also explain the processes which will be followed depending on each case.

British Orienteering has introduced a quick report form which can be used to make immediate reports to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. Please use the link (Add link) from the British Orienteering Safeguarding pages to access the form and submit a concern. The Lead Safeguarding Officer will follow up with you directly.

Other reporting forms are also available on the British Orienteering Safeguarding pages

JROS support and follow British Orienteering’s two safeguarding policies, these can be found
via the links below: