Junior Inter-regional Championships (JIRC) 2013
28/29th September
Organised by Wimborne Orienteers with assistance from Wessex Orienteering Club.
Congratulations to the Scottish junior team who retained the trophies won last year in East Anglia.
Generic information about JIRC
The Junior Interregional Championships is an annual competition between the twelve Junior Regional Squads. First organised by YHOA in 1989 the competition is organised in rotation by the 12 Regional Associations.
For many years it took place in late June but has recently changed to the early autumn.
The competition consists of an Individual race on the Saturday followed by a Relay on the Sunday.
An agreed scoring system determines the winner on each day and the overall winner.
Each region enters a team made up of up to 4 M/W14’s, 16’s and 18’s – a total of 24 athletes. The relay teams are made up of one M/W16 plus one M/W14 plus one M/W18. being 8 teams in all per Region.
1st Scotland 239pts
2nd North-West 215
3rd Yorkshire 188
Individual Results, RouteGadget
1st Scotland 270 points
2nd North-West 246
3rd South-West 216
Relay Results, RouteGadget
Overall Scores
1st Scotland 509 points
2nd North-West 461
3rd South-West 404
Thanks very much to the members of Wimborne Orienteers and Wessex OC and other members of South-West clubs for a very well-organised weekend.
Photos from the Relay by Steve Kimberley on Google+
Pre-event details
The JIRC is an annual competition between members of each of the 12 Regional squads. The competition consists of an individual race and a relay and is hosted on a rotation by the individual Regions.
Organiser – Chris Branford (WIM) Contact details 56 Downside Close, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11
7SF e-mail or telephone before 9pm please 01258 453716
Individual Championships – Saturday 28th September – Venue Gore Heath, Wareham Forest, Dorset (Map Ref SY921909 – FC car park) Parking and Assembly is 100 metres from this car park. First starts 1300 hours (TBC) Courses close 1600 hours Facilties - Catering Tom’s Burger Van and toilets Planners John Tilsley (WIM) and Jack Benham (SARUM), Controller John Shucksmith (WIM), Day Organiser Trevor Bridle (WIM)
Relay Championships – Sunday 29th September – Venue Godshill Ridge, Godshill, New Forest (Map Ref SU185155 SP6 2LN – parking in Tom’s Field) Assembly 50 metres away across road. First starts 1000 hours (TBC) Courses close 1300 hours Facilities – Catering Toms Burger Van and toilets Prizegiving at conclusion Planners Kirsty and Eamon Staunton (WIM), Controller Ian Moran (SOC) Day Organiser Philip Harvey (WIM)
Accommodation is at Parkstone Girls Grammar School, Sopers Lane, Poole BH17 7EP. Organiser Gavin Clegg (WSX) There is ample parking and toilets – shower facilities. Catering will be in-house at school. Evening meal and breakfast provided – sports hall, gym and classrooms for overnight sleeping arrangements. Plenty of space for outdoor games/recreation on site. Individual prizegiving will be held during evening. Dietary requirements will be included on the entry form.
Cost –£37 per competitor – adults £24. There is the possibility of providing floor space only on the Friday night at £5 a head should travelling arrangements for teams necessitate this but please talk to us asap if you are considering this.
Further details will be posted in the JIRC’s final details closer to the event
Trophies – Last year’s Winners are asked to return trophies to the enquiries tent on the Saturday afternoon. Please notify us beforehand if any are missing.
Electronic Punching – SI is being used – hire fee if you require will be £1 a dibber