Gothenburg 2020
The ‘Gothenburg’ training camp is designed as a ‘self-help’ tour. Athletes attending will be expected to plan their own training. They will also be expected to be generally well organised, capable of preparing their own meals and self sufficient whilst being supervised by an experienced coach.
The camp runs from Saturday 22nd August to Monday 31st August 2020
Unfortunately the decision has now been made by the tour managers that this years camp in Gothenberg is cancelled.
Generic information about Gothenburg
Introduction and background
The ‘Gothenburg’ tour is unique in that its purpose is to teach those about to leave the ranks of junior orienteers, ie M/W20’s, how to plan and undertake their own training within a Scandinavian environment.
Such a tour was conceived specifically as a ‘self-help’ tour led by a Senior Coach experienced in training in Scandinavian terrain and familiar with a specific location or orienteering club.
This style of tour was initially suggested and led by Mark Saunders in 2012.
Because of his knowledge and experience of orienteering in the Gothenburg area the camp that year was based in that city.
The location of future camps will therefore be decided by the Coach who is leading the tour, their experience and contacts.
Accommodation is dependent upon the location but is likely to be in an Orienteering Club hut.
It is therefore likely that sleeping will be on a floor but that showers and toilets will be close by.
All food will be bought and prepared by the attendees and therefore athletes will be expected to assist with chores during the camp.
It is anticipated that every effort will be made to make use of public transport throughout the course of the camp.
The camp is aimed at M/W20’s, and if room permits some M/W18’s.
It is likely that the camp will take place in August and recognising that the athletes may wish to return home at various times, for example for ‘A’ level results, attendance at the camp will be flexible allowing athletes to join and leave the camp at various times other than the planned start and finish.
The tour managers have spent quite a bit of time researching possibilities other than Gothenburg (to get around current government advice against all but essential travel to Sweden). Specifically they looked at options for moving the camp to Oslo or Helsinki. Whilst, Norway have announced that they will be opening up to UK tourists the problem was staying away together as a group. Even if all were to stay in individual tents, it would be against government regulations in all the home countries at present. Whatever the legal situation might be in Norway or Finland on this aspect, it would not be right for us to organise something that would not be allowed in the UK.
All athletes have been informed of this decision.
Louis Macmillan ECKO
Matthew Gooch MAROC
Peter Molloy FVO
Stanley Heap SO
Daniel Campbell MOR
Finlay Johnson ROC
Thomas Howell SN
Dominic Dakin SYO
Samuel Leitch SO
Matt Pembery BOK
Lizzie Stansfield FVO
Alice Wilson CLYDE
Evie Conway AIRE
Izzy Cox BASOC
Isabelle Hodgson SYO
Rosie Spencer WCOC
Chloe Cracknell SUFFOC
Ffion Jones SO
Rachel Collins LVO
Jess Ensoll LOC
Selection Policy
Selection Addendum
With the recent cancellation of all the previously published selection races for the Gothenburg 2020 summer camp, and with the hope that the camp will be able to go ahead, the following addendum has been made to the selection criteria.
Any athletes who would like to attend should apply to Mark Saunders - by 18th May 2020.
If there are more applicants than there are places available, selection will be based on the British Orienteering Ranking list - frozen as of 20th March 2020 – with an intent to maintain an equal gender balance. Should any athlete, feel their ranking position doesn’t fairly reflect their ability and/or potential they should include an explanation of any extenuating factors in their application, and that will be taken into account.
If a further update to the policy is required, then this will be communicated as soon as feasible, in order to give athletes the best chance to plan and prepare.
The Camp is predominantly for M/W20s born in 2001 and top M/W18s born in 2002
The camp will be for of the order of 18 athletes the final number being determined by the Team Manager and the Chairman of JROS.
Athletes who have previously attended the Gothenburg camp are eligible to attend again on the proviso that they will be expected to significantly help with the planning of the training and logistics prior to the camp.
If British Orienteering hold a pre-JWOC camp in August it is not expected that any athletes who are selected for that will also be selected to attend this camp.
Application for selection for this tour must in the first instance be made to the Team Manager, Mark Saunders, at
Athletes wishing to be selected will be ordered based on the average of the best three ranking scores that they achieved under the British Orienteering ranking scheme at the following races.
British Long Distance Championships 2020, 21st March
JK Day 1 Sprint 2020, 10th April
JK Day 2 2020, 11th April
JK Day 3 2020, 12th April
Blakeholme Middle Distance 2020, 25th April
Windermere Sprint 2020, 26th April
The tour selectors
The tour athletes will be selected by Mark Saunders (BOK) and the selections will be reviewed by the Chairman of Junior Regional Orienteering Squads (JROS).
Illness or Injury
Cases of illness or injury which may have affected an athlete’s ability to compete in one or more of the above selection races may be taken account of. Views of the relevant Regional Squad Coordinator will be sought in such cases.